Department Change Statistics 2021-22

It is said that “Your rank determines what department you get in IITs, but your will does not.” But most of the IITs, including IIT Kharagpur, give a chance to students to change their department during their first year. Every year, around 10% of first-year students get the privilege of changing their departments. So, you still got one shot!

Department change remains a hot topic among freshers as soon as they enter the campus. Everyone’s rushing and burning the midnight oil to achieve the department of their choice. The department/branch of an individual changes based on the CGPA they obtain during their first year, the cutoff being 8.5, in which some of the courses are not accounted for.

The total number of students that managed to change their department in the session 2021-22 amounted to 208, out of which 150 chose BTech/BS course, and the rest 58 opted for Dual Degree course.

Awaaz, IIT Kharagpur would like to present to the freshers Department Change Analysis for 2021-2022.


Every department has a different cutoff which depends on the number of students applying to that department and their respective CGPA. (depending on the CGPA and number of students applying for a particular department). The cut-off for Computer Science and Engineering (Btech) was 10, followed by CS Dual, which was 9.85, and EC (BTech and Dual), being 9.56.


Student Count

The department with the maximum intake of students was Mechanical Engineering (31), followed by Chemical Engineering(28) and Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering(27).

No of Students

Offline vs Online

Department change 2021-2022 took place in the online academic year. Grading of subjects is subject to change as the mode of examination has shifted from online to offline mode.

Comparing the statistics of this year to pre-covid academic years –

1. 2018-19

2. 2017-18

Some variation in cutoffs can definitely be seen where the CGPA requirement was more for some departments and less for some.Some variation in cutoffs can definitely be seen where the CGPA requirement was more for some departments and less for some.